CHAPTER XVI. How to possess a rich Spirit amid real Poverty. BUT if you are really poor, my daughter, for God’s Sake be so in…

CHAPTER VI. Humility makes us rejoice in our own Abjection. BUT, my daughter, I am going a step further, and I bid you everywhere and…

The greatest evidence for the Christian faith is the founder. In fact, if it were not true it would be beyond belief. Mystics of the…

Has there ever been a time with greater access to truth? We have the knowledge of the whole world–the vastness of space, the infinitesimal perfection…

The dearth of catechesis in the previous few decades has caused no little amount of consternation in the present day. And rightly so. An uncatechized…

In the midst of an affliction of turmoil, I took an impromptu web fast. I think it was just the thing, to set down the…

1 He comes to us in our brokenness as pottery 2 Maybe we’re broken into a few dozen pieces, or perhaps just cracked down the…

After the fever of life – after wearinesses, sicknesses, fightings and despondings, languor and fretfulness, struggling and failing, struggling and succeeding – after all the…

God’s will, my boundaries, pure selflessness. We may think, “Lord, yes! I love you. Any thing for you Lord.” I had a dream many years…

It’s been over twenty years since I gave my life to Christ. I’ve told many stories about my travels toward the Kingdom. But this story…