A number of years ago I was preaching the Gospel on the streets and a high school student came up to me and said, ‘You…

Last night, in the aftermath of the election, I played a Veteran’s Day concert. As I stared out from the stage at all the men…

The Warning It started with a dream an hour before my alarm went off. I was in a house, my house, and there was an…

“The Church has failed to implement Gaudium et Spes.” This was my first locution and if I’m a betting man it will be my last. …

It’s coming! Mixing old with new, a progress report on the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization was delivered in Latin, the ancient language…

Generally speaking, our prayers usually miss the mark particularly regarding ourselves. For sure God is active in our lives, but not in the way we…

I have the answer to every problem that could ever arise in your life. After you have tired yourself with all your efforts, are completely…

The social condition of man is that we are never ever alone; I can’t even run away from self-consciousness, try as I may. God, whether…

1 He comes to us in our brokenness as pottery 2 Maybe we’re broken into a few dozen pieces, or perhaps just cracked down the…

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Gen 2:18-24 [18] And the Lord God said: It is not good for man to be alone: let…