The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, a treatise to the world for the world, this document is truly unique from the…
Nothing but love and the call of God. You, my friend, have the answer to every person’s question, the answer to every question worth asking: …
Thoughts we have seek understanding, to the reflective mind. So the Atheist makes his universal statement–God is dead. Their writings build on this supposition to…
Holy Water; Holy Salt; Blessed Sacramentals; First, Second, and Third Degree Relics; Lourdes Water; now add to the list, Holy Sand. Has the Church lost…
My Lord and my God. In agony, the suffering of a bloody Lord is the only remedy of a broken heart. Often I have imagined…
I’ve lost my first born son on the feast of St. John, The first of twelve. I think I said more expletives yesterday than I…
It is never safe to play it safe. To do God’s will in our lives takes faith, even the faith of a child. If we…
My confidence is placed in God who does not need our help for accomplishing his designs. Our single endeavor should be to give ourselves to…
One month after my series of four encounters with calling, I received a tactical dream that I had no reference to understand except in the…
We had been praying, and I was being asked to do what I thought at the time, was unthinkable. Now my wife is not a…