The dearth of catechesis in the previous few decades has caused no little amount of consternation in the present day. And rightly so. An uncatechized…

Too much mud (and worse!) has been slung amongst Christians over images. Last Sunday at Mass, my youngest daughters and I, ages 4, 1 and…

God’s will, my boundaries, pure selflessness. We may think, “Lord, yes! I love you. Any thing for you Lord.” I had a dream many years…

Sacrifice is the first object lesson we have of Noah coming off the bark. But what is He sacrificing to, but God alone. And…

Once there was a Father and a Daughter. When the Daughter was young, she loved her Father more than anything in the world. Compared to…

For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son…who made Himself a perfect sacrifice, that through the cross, our sins may be redeemed. This is the beginning and the end of the Christian life, but we were originally created to be more than we are now.

For a Catholic convert, many challenges and obstacles inevitably arise. Some are predictable, like the protestant pastor who must lay down his calling, or the life-long Christian who is now out-of-step with family and friends. Others suddenly appear just when the road to Rome seems clear. For me, RCIA was one of those obstacles.

OK, everyone, why all the pain, tragedy after tragedy, disappointment after disappointment? Why do so many lives sound like a country song? I’ve shared my…

I have been given twelve children; the first two are sons. I think I was bit rough around the edges in my early day for…

Their example gives witness to the fact that baptism commits Christians to participate boldly in the spread of the Kingdom of God, cooperating if necessary…