CHAPTER VIII. How to resist Minor Temptations. WHILE it is right to resist great temptations with invincible courage, and all such victories will be most…
CHAPTER XVI. How to possess a rich Spirit amid real Poverty. BUT if you are really poor, my daughter, for God’s Sake be so in…
A man claimed to be God come in the flesh. He claimed to set the captives free. He claimed He was a King and that…
Jesus went about preaching the good news of the Kingdom. And what was the good news? That the King of the Kingdom had come among…
I believe God is raising up a new, holy generation of Bishops and Priests in our Church, and it is encouraging to see the signs!…
Their example gives witness to the fact that baptism commits Christians to participate boldly in the spread of the Kingdom of God, cooperating if necessary…
The impression I have gotten from most references to the “New Evangelization” is to new media. As technology evolves and changes, we need to access…
Being convinced of the truth of the Catholic faith is one thing. Living the fullness of the faith after a protestant upbringing, is another. One…
…What it did do is challenge me to take up that Catechism again, and this time around nothing would deter me from reading it from…