I’ve done the unthinkable the last few months, I have attempted to remove my private experience of God, or what I think is God and…

You are saved by faith in Jesus Christ Sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ Glorified by faith in Jesus Christ Made perfect by faith in…

The debate in favor of the sinlessness of Mary has ranged in degrees from befitting the Mother of the Lord to a necessity for our redemption. In meditating on this truth this morning, I tend toward the latter end of the spectrum, but either way the truth of this mystery follows logically from what is revealed of God. The key to the mystery is the free exercise of Mary’s will.

Christ came to give us life, and that abundantly. Two trees in the garden of God. One tree offers life, the other Knowledge, but knowledge…

The Kingdom of God made flesh through Abraham and His offspring. The Kingdom of God made flesh in the Mosaic covenant and the Aaronic Priesthood….

The disclosure of God to man, the revelation of the beauty of the triune God, commentary is not my objective nor a higher critical approach…

The aim of creation, the end of man himself, is the love of God, Creator and Father, an ever greater love, the divinization of man,…

I mentioned there is one law that governs heaven and that is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Now our Church…

Holy Water; Holy Salt; Blessed Sacramentals; First, Second, and Third Degree Relics; Lourdes Water; now add to the list, Holy Sand. Has the Church lost…

OK, mop in hand. Now what? Start cleaning kids; know your limitations. How to clean–where can I start? Let’s start with ourselves. Can I will…