I have been given twelve children; the first two are sons. I think I was bit rough around the edges in my early day for…

Sometimes I think we are bored with what matters–Blood and nail, outpouring of light, wake up alive in God, from glory to glory. That’s it….

I mentioned there is one law that governs heaven and that is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Now our Church…

Union and communion swallowed up by love sustains the universe that is the presence of God himself–eternal interchange of persons. Once I was walking home…

To learn Christ, is the beginning and end of all man. Christ is the first and the last revelation encompassing all thoughts, actions, the height…

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. I’ve rowed and I’ve surfed; they are two different creatures. In fact, the type of…

“Come to My Wounds with hearts burning with love, and make the aspirations with great fervor that you may obtain the graces and favors you…

OK, mop in hand. Now what? Start cleaning kids; know your limitations. How to clean–where can I start? Let’s start with ourselves. Can I will…

The body is wounded. Broken for our transgressions. Presented for our healing. And divided again by our iniquities. A voice cries out in the wilderness:…

Steve gave me a book yesterday, Exorcism and the Church Militant. As I began reading today, I immediately encountered this passage, subtitled The Authority of…